It’s time to volunteer for our next Community Assistance event! We will continue to have Community Assistance on the second Saturday of the month and hope you can volunteer for a slot on the Sign-Up Genius link.
We are hoping to provide additional assistance to our guests with additional food and/or gift cards. If you would like to make a donation to our Community Assistance program go to Visit This Page. Financial contributions are tax deductible. Thank you for your continued support of our Community Assistance Ministry!
Join us on Wednesday, September 11 for Supper and Service from 6-7 PM in the Youth Area. We will begin with a service activity followed by dinner. Sign up at (link from Linnea). Contact Linnea Carlson with any questions.
Mount Olivet is looking for new members of our Liturgist crew. If you are interested, send an email to Cindy Huber. No experience needed; all you need is a desire to serve Mount Olivet in this small way.
We are so excited to be together in-person, learning about God! We need volunteers to teach Sunday School and Children's Church, especially grades 1-5. We do this as a team, so if there is a week you cannot attend, one of the other teachers can lead. Please contact Linnea Carlson with any questions.
It’s time to volunteer for our next Community Assistance event! We will continue to have Community Assistance on the second Saturday of the month and hope you can volunteer for a slot on the Sign-Up Genius link.
We are hoping to provide additional assistance to our guests with additional food and/or gift cards. If you would like to make a donation to our Community Assistance program go to Visit This Page. Financial contributions are tax deductible. Thank you for your continued support of our Community Assistance Ministry!
Join us on Wednesday, September 11 for Supper and Service from 6-7 PM in the Youth Area. We will begin with a service activity followed by dinner. Sign up at (link from Linnea). Contact Linnea Carlson with any questions.
Join us this Summer at Jeremiah Project from July 14 - 20. This trip is open to all rising 7th graders and up. We will venture down to Romney, WV to love and serve our neighbor, grow in fellowship, and play endless rounds of 9 Square. You can find more information and register through our website.