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Live Stream

9:15 AM
Live on YouTube
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Welcome to worship at Mount Olivet! Together we are listening to and exploring the words of Jesus. These are some of the core teachings of Jesus and his revelation of the values of God for human community. God’s favor and care is always on the side of those who are oppressed and in need. Our priorities in faith are always to protect the vulnerable and care for those in deepest need.

Closed Captioning

If you need closed captioning while you're worshipping live on Sunday mornings, consider viewing the service through our Facebook page. Facebook provides live closed captioning which isn't available on YouTube or here on our website. You can find every Facebook livestream here: facebook.com/MountOlivetUnitedMethodistChurch/live_videos

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Usually under 15 minutes, sermons from Mount Olivet are a meaningful addition to your routine and can be found wherever you listen to podcasts.